Friday, 1 October 2010

My First Grown-Up House Purchase!

Yup, I'm doing a blog update about plates!

Yesterday, I went random house-stuff shopping - I have a super long list of things I need/want:
  • Bed & Mattress (very essential!)
  • Duvet/pillow covers/bed sheets
  • Bedside table
  • Full length mirror
  • Desk
  • Something to keep all my make up/hair stuff in
  • Curtains (half the windows in the house have no curtains!)
  • Cutlery
  • 2nd bedside lamp
The cutlery thing isn't essential, it's just a want because the cutlery we have is super cheap and very bendy...not good.
Anyway, I found this lovely crockery in a shop called Dunelm Mill. Last year, one of my friends bought me all my kitchen stuff which was amazing and such a great help to me, but this year I really feel like starting to build my own little collection of good-quality-will-have-this-for-the-next-10-years kitchen/home goods. I purchased 2 dinner plates and 2 side plates from the Amelia collection in Dunelm Mill, and I'm in love! I have 2 other side plates and dinner plates that my friend got me which have a blue and yellow polka dot border so I'm hoping they'll "match" in a cutesy mix-match way.
They did have tea cups, tea bag holders, teapots, bowls etc. but I resisted :)

You can see the full collection here and click through the links to see all the individual bits. I love the Cath Kidston vibe!

My plates drying on the rack to be packed away for moving next week!


1 comment:

  1. They are beauties.

    I love finding great little bits for the home :)

    I'm having a blog giveaway at the mo, please do check it out! xx
