Sunday, 24 May 2009

Sicky, sicky, sicky.

I've spent the past 2 days lying on the couch feeling sorry for myself, my cold properly kicked in and made me cancel all my weekend plans :-( My boyfriend was over so I was well taken care of but still, had to cancel going out for dinner and my friends flat warming party. I think sickness just lurks around and waits til you're super busy then strikes!

Had a bit of a rubbish day so I was browsing Etsy to cheer myself up and I've fallen in love with a few hundreds pieces of Alice In Wonderland style jewelry. Just thought I would link to my faves!

Alice Is Curious
I'm totally in love with this, the tiny bow, the little jar full of beads, it's just sooo gorgeous!
Bow Earrings
Not strictly AIW but I love red & bows :-)

Whimsical Chair
Ridiculously sweet!



  1. The first one? It's stunning, there's soo much on it, I'm obsessed! If only I had a spare $43 lol
