Tuesday, 29 June 2010
Update coming soon!
I've been busy making these cute little aprons and am just in the process of handsewing some cute little appliques on to them :)
In other news, I'm super excited because I'm totally making over my hair :) Got the hairdressers booked for tomorrow and I'm hoping the dye I've ordered will arrive tomorrow too! Photos will follow!
Tuesday, 22 June 2010
Everyone Loves A Cat Lady
Another little cushion keepsake! I love making these, I think I could just make and make and make, they're so cute!
Somewhat inspired by my Cat Lady friend, Fergie (no, not the singer...she's much cooler), and the fact I am desperate to get a little kitten! My boyfriend is thinking of getting one when we get the house in October down in London...it will be the most spoiled cat ever :)
I really need to make some 'Bunny Lady' ones too, and possibly some 'Dog Lover' ones...so far this little navy polka dot 'Cat Lady' number is the only one, but if she (yeah, I'm referring to the cushion as a 'she') gets enough attention I will definitately make more variations.
Making cute crafty things is interesting me so much more at the moment than my proper 'fashiony' coursework and I was emailled a brief yesterday for a Stella Artois design competition...even the thought of winning £1000 hasn't made me get out my sketchbook yet!
On the plus side, my boyfriend is coming up this weekend (he lives about 4 hours away in England), and my friend is back from LA so it's her homecoming night on Friday :)
Monday, 21 June 2010
You can check them all out for more pictures & descriptions at my Etsy store: White Rabbit Threads :)
Homemade Goodness!
It's been a very productive few days - and I had my first Etsy sale!
I've been doing lots of hand embroidery, beading and gluing! I've made magnets and cushions and little keepsake heart cushions, as well as baking some cupcakes and making my dad a lemon tart for Father's Day....offft!
On top of all this, I've also got a summer project for uni to do as well as beginning research on my dissertation - I'm pretty sure my productivity is just procrastination :) Although the plus side of doing all this handsewing is that I can watch movies for "research" :D
An image heavy post coming up next of all my goodies I've made!
Thursday, 17 June 2010
Fabric High!
I went for a wee fabric shop the other day, I was in need to some cute co-ordinating fabric to get my Etsy shop started! These are my gorgeous buys. Mostly, remnants which were super cheap but actually really big pieces, especially great for doing long strips.
I reorganised my fabric boxes when I got home & discovered I've got lots of pieces which all go well together, got some pretty ideas on what I'm going to do over the next few weeks - my mum's gotten very enthusastic & has also given me some ideas :)
Yesterday, I also started on a couple of 'Baby Boy' cushions, all hand-embroidered and possibly going to feature hand-covered/embroidered buttons. So a rather productive day overall!
& this is just a wee peek at another one of the stunning vintage pieces I have on Etsy just now. It's a 1980s black velvet prom-style dress which belonged to my mum so I know it's in amazing condition & she's only wore it a couple of times!
Tuesday, 15 June 2010
Coming Together...
Monday, 14 June 2010
Keeping Up To Date
Vintage Stock Up!
The first shop stock is up!
Since returning home I've been clearing out my room and I found a lot of vintage clothes my mum gave me which I've been saving up - but with my final year of University approaching, it's money I need to be saving up not clothes, so I'm selling a lot of it.
Just now, I have this gorgeous angora wool tank top/jumper for sale, a long gold jumper, a black (with gold sparkle) keyhole jumper and this cute dogtooth skirt up. Check them out here.
There's more to come, including a very, very beautiful full skirt, velvet prom-style dress.
Apart from the vintage pieces from my wardrobe, I am also selling some newer pieces (including lots of brand new, never worn clothes), however these will be on my Ebay account.
Wednesday, 2 June 2010
Back In Bonnie Scotland
So not much will be happening for a little while, I'm also in the process of turning my garage into a studio so I can get the site up and running properly :)