I went for a wee fabric shop the other day, I was in need to some cute co-ordinating fabric to get my Etsy shop started! These are my gorgeous buys. Mostly, remnants which were super cheap but actually really big pieces, especially great for doing long strips.
I reorganised my fabric boxes when I got home & discovered I've got lots of pieces which all go well together, got some pretty ideas on what I'm going to do over the next few weeks - my mum's gotten very enthusastic & has also given me some ideas :)
Yesterday, I also started on a couple of 'Baby Boy' cushions, all hand-embroidered and possibly going to feature hand-covered/embroidered buttons. So a rather productive day overall!

& this is just a wee peek at another one of the stunning vintage pieces I have on Etsy just now. It's a 1980s black velvet prom-style dress which belonged to my mum so I know it's in amazing condition & she's only wore it a couple of times!