Thursday, 13 May 2010

A New Beginning!

Website is up!

As an early 21st present, my sister bought me my domain name! For as long as I can remember I have always wanted to call my boutique/clothing label 'White Rabbit Threads', and since I decided that to support myself this summer I am going to make and sell my own designs, she decided to buy the name for me!

Currently, it is linked up to my Etsy page, this is to save my the cost and time to building and maintaining a website aswell as the cost of webspace, however I'm hoping in the next year or so to create my own website.

Right now, I only have a few cushions up which I made but I'm working on some designs which I hope will be up in the next week.


Tuesday, 11 May 2010

;) Shhh....

A little sneak preview of things to come! My summer project and hopefully the beginning of my career...fingers crossed.

[website isn't up and running yet]


Saturday, 8 May 2010

Everyday Inspiration

I keep being randomly inspired by the most unlikely things. An abandoned china tea cup found, rehomed and then accidently smashed by my boyfriend. Fish in an aquarium in a pet store. Shots of interiors in a paint catalogue. Colour and pattern are really inspiring me at the moment, there' something about complimentary colours that I find very calming.

I quite like the use of empty frames in interior design, which is something my group is using as part of our current project.

When I find a spare moment, I'm going to do a small series of designs based on these images. Strong photography which stirs up emotion always gives me such a clear idea of what I want to do, I think that's what caused my interest in photography.

Anyway, it's been another long day of doing work and now I'm just rambling! :)


Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Anti-Fur Film

& this is the video we made for our manifesto class. So happy with how it turned out, we worked incredibly hard on it but it was worth all the work and stress in the end :)

For some reason it wasn't cool with me putting the images and film on the same post, very annoying!


Anti-Fur Manifesto

Below is a couple of images from the anti-fur photoshoot we did for our manifesto:

Something Awesome This Way Comes :)

I'm starting to think summer. And next academic year. And final collection. It's all a bit much and the thought of the cost is just insane, I'm hearing people have spent £500, I'm hearing others have spent £1500 just on their final collection. So it's get-job-time.
However, I'm sick of retail. I don't think after working for Louise Gray and ASOS that I could possibly go back to being just a sales girl.
I've got something far more creative planned, but I'm not saying what yet! Still need to do some planning and organising and weighing up of my options...but watch this space :)
