My mum has always said that the snow is great unless you had somewhere to go...and until 2 days ago, I would have strongly disagreed.
I loooove the snow, it's festive, it's wintery, it turns even the grumpiest people into little kids again and best of all - we don't always get it! Sometimes it snows and doesn't lie, sometimes it doesn't snow at all, sometimes it's barely enough for a snow ball.
However, upon my wonderful return to my cosy little house in Kent, it has S-N-O-W-E-D. I'm actually looking at it wondering how long it will take to go away, which is not very "me" thinking. As much as it was fun having a community snowball fight and building a 7ft snowman...I've got things to do. Which may sound a little Grinch-y but I do, I've now had to miss 2 days of my work placement and I'm not a happy bunny!
Surely someone somewhere predicted that we would have this much snow and the government would get prepared for it?, instead the pavements are like ice rinks and the trains are a joke.
It does look pretty though.